Help a brother out read this

Vast Vendace

2 years ago I was obsessed with the movie 300 and it changed my life i became a leader i had people following me i had a beard like leonidus i was fighting at boxing etc, i felt like a king. Till one day all momentum fell flat, like the arrows that reached leonidus I to was defeated.

Then I got into sopranos and i developed a better personality but could really relate to Tony. That year i had my first real panic attack and now have aniexty just like Tony.

Now im watching a show called Killing it on stan. A show about broke people continuing to be broke, struggling then making it out then struggling again. This show was the only one of the 3 that i was already living the show before I watched it.

So that leads me to an experiment opportunity. Do i go back and just keep watching 300 or is there something else that will elevate me even further me and my cousin jokingly said super man. I’m sure i will fly lol. But what is a movie or a show that you think is the most positive or has a character that would be cool to turn into or be like etc. i wanna try experiment and see what happens but would rather something positive not aniexty lol

I hope you picking up what I’m putting down

submitted by /u/Otherwise_Rough_4307
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