Update (Joining as a couple USMC)


Update (Joining as a couple USMC)

(Check my old post)

For all the people who are interested in knowing what happened to my boyfriend and I, if we joined together or not:

Honestly, I took into account a lot of what the comments had said. Secretly, I knew deep down it would be highly unlikely to work out. Even if we got married or not.

I hade made it past MEPS, but my dumbass boyfriend failed the test. So that was the first “sign” I should have noticed.

I broke up with him after a few months, not at all due to our plans to join the Marines together, but because of other reasons where it became obvious we were incompatible.

After the breakup he was pretty heartbroken and didn’t expect me to breakup with him because I had forgiven him for a lot of bullshit. He tried for weeks to try to win me back, doing things he never did while we were together (buy me roses, pay for dates, be exceptionally attentive to me etc.)

I have been living in a small rural town in Southern Mexico for 2 months now after I missed my return flight home, I felt like I needed some space from everything. Being here has felt euphoric and I enjoy the work and simplicity of everyday life. Although, I had never been able to shake off the thought of joining the Marine Corps.

Last I knew about my ex was from a text off a fake number where he told me I would regret breaking up with him etc etc. but he mentioned he would be joining the Army.

I didn’t really believe him and deleted the message, but a mutual friend of mine showed me a video of his on social media where he left to bootcamp.

I am actually pretty proud of him, and although it wasn’t the Marines like he always said, I was surprised he actually joined the military.

I still want to join the Marine Corps, but I really want to be able to study while serving.

Please leave any advice, thoughts, etc.

I would love to read your comments and “I told you so’s”, as I look out to the mountains.

submitted by /u/ExchangeCandid912
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