The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen

Crowded Caribou

Just watched twice in two days recently and it’s stuck with me in a way very few movies have. It’s a haunting, melancholy, epic and a doomed lovers narrative taken to cosmic levels. I really don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it before. Exploring the protagonists’ romance and Tom trying to save Isabella’s life through these different timelines/realities - it’s just a cool concept executed brilliantly. The visuals are gorgeous and trippy, and the performances are really strong. The final sequence with future-Tommy in the spaceship-bubble getting engulfed by the dying star and learning to accept Izzy’s death was so powerful - I barely ever get emotional watching a movie but this one really did it for me. The underlying message of accepting your grief, and learning to let go really struck a chord.

But the best thing about the movie is easily the score. Clint Mansell went beast mode on these tracks. Every track is just unbelievably gorgeous, managing to tug at your heartstrings and convey a sense of cosmic vastness at the same time. I’ve had the album on repeat on Spotify for days now.

I highly recommend this to anyone for something truly offbeat and unique, a scifi/fantasy story that feels both epic and intimate at the same time.

submitted by /u/Monkey-on-the-couch
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