Part of how much I enjoy games is now dependent on if they actually work...and that's making me sad

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I'm a console gamer, mostly playing PS5, and I realized today that what impacted which game I booted up was largely dependent on if I want to put up with its bugs or not. Some recent poor examples

1.) Alan Wake 2, PS5: Great game, but hit a progression-breaking bug that drove me crazy. Turns out it was poor timing; the devs just released a patch four months after release that broke that exact section I was on and was fixed a few days later, but the inconvenience turned me off from finishing it and I haven't played it since. Which is too bad, I was really enjoying it up until that point.

2.) Baldur's Gate 3, PS5: I did end up finishing this, but ran into so many bugs that I was constantly save scumming to not lose the amount of hours I did on my first playthrough. Stuff like characters spawning under maps, dialog options not popping up, etc. This was an absolute chore to play for awhile. Most of the bugs I experienced were shortly after PS5 release, but I still get some to this day that forces me to reload saves.

3.) Helldivers 2, PS5: About 25% of my games crash while playing losing all progress, which is waaaaay, way too high. Seriously, just go to their sub and search "crash" and you'll see dozens of posts every day of how unstable the game is. I won't play this again until the devs directly address the crashing problem, and crashing is still an issue two months post-release.

4.) Palworld, Xbox: Put maybe like 6 hours in and had two crashes. Just nope, a hard nope, I'm sick of this at this point.

I recently downloaded Evil West on PS5 as it was free awhile ago, and it's a good game. I'm having fun playing it. Not my favorite, I've had more fun playing Helldivers and BG3 when they actually run, but I had not encountered a single bug during the campaign. I realized how much more I could relax because I actually TRUSTED that it wouldn't crash on me.

And how sad is that?? I can't believe how the quality in the games I choose to play have tanked so much. I've never been this concerned with games crashing up until about a year ago.

Sorry, just a rant at this time, and maybe I'm just unlucky, but man games these days just can't be trusted and I'm sick of wasting time and losing out on progression because of bugs and crashes that prevent me from going forward.

submitted by /u/uffda1990
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