Just learned that the 2011 movie Limitless had a single season TV show on CBS in 2015. Is it worth watching?

Vast Vendace

I loved the premise of the movie, and I enjoyed it enough. I would love to watch it, but im not sure if it's worth it.

There was a show called Legion (3 seasons) based on a Marvel character that I wanted to watch (that I learned about after it'd been cancelled) but I heard it sucked. So I've never seen it. Thats a show I might watch anyway, if I can find a streaming service that has it. I love the idea of Legion (a nigh-omnipotent mutant whose powers are limited due to his Disocciative Identity Dosorder) and I really wanna watch the show. Though I heard it bombed hard.

Same goes for Limitless. I just learned of it within the past 10 minutes through a clip on YT (the assassination attempt and his analysis of whether to Dodge the bullet or not).

So, to those who've seen it, is it worth a watch? It's only one season, but 22 episodes. And if you've seen it, did it tie up at the end, or did it seem there could've been more?

submitted by /u/GlockNessMonster91
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