William Shatner Still Wants To Play Captain Kirk One More Time


In 1994, William Shatner's Captain James T. Kirk met his end during Star Trek: Generations, the first film to feature the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation on the big screen. Since that movie's release, Shatner has floated a few different ideas to bring back Kirk. He even co-wrote a series of non-canon Star Trek novels in which Kirk was resurrected. Now, at 93-years old, Shatner has one last pitch to resurrect Kirk by using de-aging technology to make himself appear three decades younger.

"It's an intriguing idea," said Shatner while speaking to the Canadian press. "It's almost impossible. But if [it] was a great role and so well-written and if there were a reason to be there not just to make a cameo appearance, but if there were a genuine reason for the character appearing, I might consider it."

Shatner's suggestion that Kirk's body and brain have been preserved was actually confirmed during Star Trek: Picard Season 3. But even by Star Trek standards, Shatner's idea for Kirk's return is still pretty wild.

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