Little Timmy and his grandpa are down at the pond fishing.

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Timmy says, “Grandpa I need another worm.” Grandpa points and says, “Lift up that rock and see if there’s a worm under it.” Timmy lifts the rock and sure enough, there’s a big juicy worm, sticking halfway out of a hole in the mud. Timmy pulls it out and grandpa says, “I’ll give you 5 bucks if you can get that worm back in the hole.” Timmy tries and tries to get the wiggling worm back in the hole but no luck. He thinks for a minute then says, “I’ll be right back,” and runs up to the house. A couple minutes later he comes back with a can of hair spray. He holds the worm up, sprays it with the hair spray, lets it dry, then sticks it back in the hole. Grandpa says, well that was pretty smart!” and gives Timmy his $5. Next morning they’re out fishing again and grandpa says, “Oh I almost forgot to give you this,” and hands Timmy another $5. Timmy says, “But grandpa, you already gave me $5 yesterday.” Grandpa says, “Yeah, I know, that’s from your grandma.”

submitted by /u/hiddenjim69
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