A woman is going on a cruise but her husband is staying at home to look after her beloved cat

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On the first night of the cruise she phones her husband and asks how her cat is getting on.

Husband: The cat is dead.

Wife: You shouldn't have told me that, now I'll be miserable all cruise. You should have said he's stuck on the roof and won't come down. Then when I got to my next stop you should have said he's fallen of the roof but you've taken him to the vet. Then at my next stop you should have said he's going in for surgery. Then at my next stop you should have said it's touch and go but they're doing all they can. And then at my final stop you should have said they did all they could but the injuries were too severe and they couldn't save him. That way I could've still enjoyed my cruise.

Husband: I'm really sorry I should have been more sensitive.

Wife: Well it's done now. Anyway, how's my mother?

Husband: She's stuck on the roof and won't come down.

submitted by /u/sewn_of_a_gun
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