Yellowstone on a budget

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/lorarunner
  • Start date Start date


Hi everyone,

My dad has months left to live - cancer. My sister and I are trying to plan a trip to Yellowstone (his top place in the US he hasn’t been able to visit), but are so tight on money (we’ll likely end up fundraising for this). We also have never been ourselves and don’t even know where to start. Looking for tips/advice on the following:

-My parents, my husband, my 19mo son and I are traveling from RDU. -My sister, her 2 kids (9m, 7f), and potentially her husband are traveling from Brisbane. -Where to stay that would be comfortable for my dad but also on the low end of the budget? -What to do? I assume a ton of hikes but which ones would be doable for a 67yr old who’s feeling a little weak? (But also, hikes doable for the 7-9yo because we assume he won’t be up for hikes every day)? -Hacks for lower prices? -Campsite ideas for RVs?

Gah, any help. I’m so overwhelmed.

This would also be for mid-June to mid-July (just one week in Yellowstone).

Any help is so so appreciated!

submitted by /u/lorarunner
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