The swan gets a blow-job joke #300

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So this is a visual joke - before telling it you rip up a piece of paper into small bits and you hide the bits in your hand. You tell the story thus:

‘Down by the lake in the village there was a suspicious rustling in the bushes, there were squawks and the sound of a man making ‘nom nom’ noises.

The village policeman was walking by and decided to investigate. He looked deep into the bushes and saw a scruffy man giving a swan a blow-job.

‘stop that right now and come out’ said the policeman

A dishevelled man came out from behind the bush looking sheepish and ashamed.

‘I saw you giving the village’s most beautiful swan a blow-job’ said the policeman

‘No, no !’ Said the man ‘there has been a terrible misunderstanding - I was just errr worried about the swan and was checking it was well’

The policeman was not convinced and stepped towards the scruffy man. The policeman sniffed the air and said -

‘Not only were you giving the swan a blow-job, you are also drunk, I can smell the booze from here’

‘No no no - said the man - I haven’t touched a drop - I’m as sober as a very sober judge’

The policeman said -

‘You’ll be before the judge soon - I’ve got you for giving a swan a blow-job, I’m going to get you for being drunk in public too - you’ll be going down for years for this disgusting behaviour’

The policeman waves a breathalyser in front of the man and says -

‘I’m going to need you to blow into this’

The man says very well …

At this point you bring your hand to your mouth and you blow a little shower of white paper into the air.

That is the end of the joke.

submitted by /u/timb1960
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