Could a modern military function with something other than the enlisted/officer system?


I'm pretty sure all modern militaries use it in some form or other. IIRC, it dates back to the old days where officers were usually nobles or the rich who could afford an education, and were considered gentlemen.

Enlisted were often poor peasants, and not much other than blind obedience was expected out of them, they were certaintly not expected to be able to read maps or comprehend tactics. Senior enlisted were the guys who had served for a long time and were expected to maintain discipline for the officers (often with brutality).

Obviously, times have changed. With universal education, officers aren't the only ones who can read or study tactics, and enlisted aren't the poor peasants of the old days who were just trained to march in a line and follow simple commands.

So would it be possible for a modern military to function with something other than the enlisted/officer system? Or is this just the best we can come up with? It does have the benefit of dividing roles cleanly at least.

submitted by /u/GlompSpark
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